Fire Department

Investigation Division

The Seneca Fire Department has fire investigators certified through the ProBoard Fire Service Professional Qualifications System in which meet the National Fire Protection Association's Code 1033, Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigator. In addition these members receive continuing education to learn more about determining the origin and cause of fire. Since 2005, the department has assisted in 8 fire related arrests.

The fire investigative division is made up of administrative and staff personnel who investigate all suspicious fires in the City of Seneca and the unincorporated contracted fire district. The fire department accomplishes its mission with a developed relationship with the Seneca Police Department, Oconee County Sheriff's Department, and South Carolina's State Law Enforcement Division (SLED).

Fire Investigators

  • Chief Richie Caudill
  • Lieutenant Joey Lament



Richie Caudill

A-Shift Captain:
Walter Lee

B-Shift Captain:
Gabe Lee

C-Shift Captain:
Favion Skelton

Building Official/Fire Marshal:
Ronald Butts


phone Phone:
phone Arson Hotline:
email Email:

Contact Info

221 E North 1st St.
Seneca, SC 29678

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