Fire Department

Fire Department

The Seneca Fire Department is made up of paid, volunteer and teenage fire explorers who are highly capable and proud of their chosen profession. Together we will meet the challenges of the future head on and continue to provide the highest level of service to our residents and businesses in the City of Seneca.

We hope you enjoy the technological advances with our website and the way we are sharing information with you. We are eager to answer your inquiries and to hear your ideas and suggestions. In addition, we hope the information on this site proves useful to you and answers most of your questions. Please take the time to browse through our links and or send us a message if you desire.

This web site is just one of the more convenient ways to communicate with us. We want to be accessible and helpful, and look forward to hearing from you. Above all, if there is anything our agency can do to assist you or your family please let us know.

Department Info

The SFD is a combination fire department, meaning that we are made up of both highly trained paid, volunteer firefighters. Paid personnel make up most of the department. The paid firefighters in the department work 24 hours on, 48 hours off and change shifts at 08:00 a.m. The shifts are divided into A, B, and C shifts as well as administrative day shift personnel. Each shift is assigned a Captain, Lieutenant, and seven firefighters. The department houses 5 pumpers, 1 platform ladder truck, 1 heavy squad, 1 emergency medical rescue unit, 1 utility 4x4 pick-up, 1 firefighting foam trailer, a mobile command scene unit and two staff vehicles.

The department's paid and volunteer firefighters go through the State of South Carolina's Firefighter I and II program. Theses courses include intense physical training, as well as a challenging academic program. To graduate, all must pass state-administered exams and be certified as firefighters.

The Seneca Fire Department is also a progressive community service oriented agency that serves above and beyond just fighting fires. The department conducts; pre-fire surveys for all commercial businesses in the city, fire prevention education for children as well as adults, rescue and extrication of victims trapped in various types of accidents, not to mention the many other civic events we like to be a part of. If there is ever anything that your fire department can do for you, feel free to let us know.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Seneca Fire Department is to provide the highest quality fire rescue, prevention, protection, and suppression services to our residents; to achieve and maintain the most attractive ISO rating for residential and commercial structures so that fire insurance premiums are minimized; and to provide educational and other services to the City of Seneca.

We aim to meet the emergency needs of our city and to conduct ourselves as professionals with compassion and efficiency.

Typical Day as a Seneca Firefighter

The Seneca Fire Department works a three-shift platoon system. Designated A, B and C shifts. Each shift begins at 8:00 a.m. and last 24 hours.

During shift change, uniforms are donned and personal protective equipment is placed on the apparatus. Shift members meet with their off-going counter-parts to discuss pertinent information. Such information may include, station and equipment condition, blocked streets, status and location of fire hydrants that may be out of service or need maintenance.

Morning duties begin at 8:00. At this time, firefighters perform a complete vehicle and equipment check. After all of the equipment is checked out firefighters sweep, mop, vacuum, and perform various station cleaning duties.

After equipment checkout and station cleanup are complete, scheduled daily, monthly and annual duties are performed. Each day of the week is assigned a special cleaning or maintenance function. For example, Monday is kitchen day where the refrigerator, stove and oven are thoroughly cleaned, Tuesday all living quarters are cleaned, and yard work and bay floors are washed on Saturdays, etc. Examples of monthly duties include cleaning station windows inside and out, apparatus being waxed and tile floors are stripped and waxed.

Fire hose and pumps are tested once a year. Fire hydrants are checked twice a year. On even number years, hydrants at gauged for proper flow rates. On odd numbered years, hydrants are painted with colors that indicate their gallon per minute flow rate.

Sometime during the 24 hour shift, each firefighters is required to engage in one hour of physical fitness. This has been shown to increase fire fighter efficiency and reducing fire ground injuries.

Between daily, weekly, monthly and annual projects, time is allocated for personnel training. Fire department personnel are required to have a minimum of 240 hours of training per year. Some areas of fire suppression training are fire pumps, hydraulics, hose and hose lays, ropes and knots, forcible entry, ladders, self-contained breathing apparatus, ventilation, salvage and overhaul. In addition to fire suppression training, each firefighter is required to be a certified first responder and CPR certified.

Fire department personnel also participate in several civic functions. These functions include fire safety presentations at local schools, meeting with civic groups to discuss ways to reduce fire threat, and participate in functions such as Wal-Mart's "Shop with a Hero" Program or Muscular Dystrophy's "Fill the Boot".

The primary duty of fire department personnel, however, is to respond to various emergency situations such as fires, automobile accidents, rescues, hazardous material incidents, emergency medical situations along with a variety of public service needs. After each response a report is completed detailing the operations performed.

After the day's duties are completed, groceries purchased, supper cooked and dishes put away, while still on stand by for emergency calls, members are allowed to watch television. After hours shift personnel are permitted to sleep, but are still subject to emergency response at a moment's notice.



Richie Caudill
A-Shift Captain:
Walter Lee
B-Shift Captain:
C-Shift Captain:
Joey Lament
Building Official/Fire Marshal:
Ronald Butts


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phone Arson Hotline:
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