Police Department

Uniform Patrol Division

The Uniform Patrol unit is the most recognized face of Seneca Police Department. This unit consists of the officers that are tasked with the priority of answering calls for service, initiating reports, preliminary investigations, and proactive enforcement of both local and state ordinances. These officers most commonly drive marked patrol vehicles and wear full uniform.

Night Shift

LT. Bill Johnson
LT. Bill Johnsonbijohnson@senecapd.com

Team Alpha

Team Bravo

SSGT. Brent Miller
SSGT. Brent Millerbmiller@senecapd.com
Cpl. Billy Joe Highsmith
Cpl. Billy Joe Highsmithbhighsmith@senecapd.com
SSGT. Michael Durham
SSGT. Michael Durhammdurham@senecapd.com
CPL. Will Mercer
CPL. Will Mercerwmercer@senecapd.com

Team Charlie

Team Delta

SSGT. Calley Moore
SSGT. Calley Moorecmoore@senecapd.com
Cpl. Dakota Nicholson
Cpl. Dakota Nicholsondnicholson@senecapd.com
SSGT. Tony Arrendondo
SSGT. Tony Arrendondotarrendondo@senecapd.com
Cpl. Austin Barnum
Cpl. Austin Barnumabarnum@senecapd.com