City Of Seneca - Job Announcement
Director Of Utilites
General Purpose:
This position manages complex professional responsibilities overseeing all aspects of municipal utilities for the City of Seneca. This position must lead, plan and coordinate construction, maintenance and repair of the electric, water and wastewater systems. Work involves directing all projects; collaboration and communication across all departments, contractors, the general public, engineers and other consultants as required. Reports to the Assistant City Administrator over Seneca Light & Water.
Essential Duties And Responsibilities:
- Responsible for staffing positions for the safe and efficient operation and development of Seneca’s utilities.
- Establish operating standards for all internal departments.
- Establishes and maintains a network that will allow the exchange of information between all departments.
- Negotiate contracts as required for all of the utility's entities.
- Recommend rates to be charged for services rendered, working with consultants and staff to determine the most appropriate standards.
- Develops annual operating and capital budget for all utilities. Manages budget during year.
- Develop long-term plans for all utilities. Forecasts future service needs and plans for system expansion.
- Coordinates and schedules all major work projects, system repairs, and expansion.
- Provides technical assistance and serves as member of SC Association of Municipal Power Systems, Oconee Joint Regional Sewer Authority, American Public Power Association, American Water Works Association, Water Environment Federation, and other organizations that may benefit the utility.
- Speaks at civic functions to better educate the public on utility functions.
- Interacts with governmental officials, councils, and representatives as required.
- Provides news releases concerning utility projects and/or operational issues.
- Provides disciplinary measures for employees as needed
- Develops and reviews safety programs and training for employees.
- Provides opportunities for recognition of employee efforts.
- Requires that employees receive appropriate technical and educational opportunities on a regular basis.
- Maintains an appropriate level of knowledge in order to serve as chief point of contact and educator to the public, governmental officials and the news media.
- Attends professional development workshops and conferences to keep abreast of trends and developments in the field of utilities development and administration.
Applications are being accepted at City Hall.
An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.
The city of Seneca does not discriminate based on race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability status in employment or the provision of services.
Download Application for Employment or Apply Online